The Agile VMO® enables business agility through lean portfolio management and adaptive governance, aligning technology initiatives with business goals.
By transitioning from a rigid legacy organizational model to a fast and resilient adaptive operating model, the Agile VMO® helps organizations thrive in today's volatile and uncertain business environments.
The Agile VMO® supports the reorganization of teams along value streams, increasing communication and enabling end-to-end flow.
The Agile VMO® ensures that all work in a product or service portfolio is prioritized, and that business value is constantly delivered, tracked, and measured across the entire organization.
The Agile VMO® leverages a diverse skill set, including Customer Journeys, Process Optimization, Ways of Working, and Agile methods, to ensure that the simplest thing possible is done well, without fear of refactoring, as the cost of refactoring is lower than the cost of waste.